What Caz Means to Me

From a camper, 2010

Joelle. Here’s my chance to tell you what camp meant to me….everything!!! The friends I have met there are forever. The music and chance to be part of it all is forever. The teachers were wonderful and fun. The food was great, and I had to be careful not to overdo it. Only gained a pound. [My daughter”s] favorite class was string band, the one I had to almost force her to take. She loved Steve and felt good about being the youngest one in the band. I loved the samba class with Morning Star. (I was the oldest one in that class and I did it!). I’m thinking about next year bringing a large tent, since no room is sound proof enough for me and I never went into the room anyway, except to sleep. And finally, you are the very best!!!! Besides being a great director, you are such a nice person. Thank you. B.