Jervis, Matthew Jervis

JervisMATTHEW JERVIS is an instructional designer and artist based in Berkeley, California. In 2006 Matthew became interested in the ways in which public education programs could be designed to foster children’s innate creativity. Matthew has developed several after-school programs that focus on problem-solving, and his programs have been widely used in San Francisco Bay Area Public Schools over the past near-decade and has since expanded to include adults groups and corporate clients.
Matthew has appeared numerous times at Maker Faire and has served as a consultant for summer camps, universities, and private and public teaching programs. He has taken his programs all over California and beyond—as a guest for professional, home-school, and scouting groups. Matthew currently teaches courses on creative strategies and thinking in the M.F.A. program at San Francisco’s Academy of Art University.
Matthew launched Make It Creativity in 2014, an educational incubator developing unique, innovative products, and programs designed to foster creativity. M.I.C. programs currently range from elementary to middle school age students and center on design, language arts, and science.